Linux Remote Desktop/Screenshots return blank screen or timeout with Wayland

Currently, the HeartbeatRM Linux agent is only able to communicate with Xorg to capture the desktop display. This means that if your desktop environment is using Wayland, then you’ll receive a blank image or a timeout when attempting to remotely access the desktop or take a screenshot. To resolve this, you can disable Wayland and switch back to using Xorg.

  1. Open /etc/gdm/custom.conf and uncomment the line: WaylandEnabled=false
  2. Add the following line to the [daemon] section: DefaultSession=gnome-xorg.desktop
  3. Save the custom.conf file
  4. Reboot the system

On Ubuntu 22.04, the custom.conf is located at /etc/gdm3/custom.conf

Some other distributions may not have a custom.conf and instead will have a daemon.conf. You may make the same changes as above in this file with the same affect.

On Debian 11, edit the /etc/gdm3/deaemon.conf instead

Example custom.conf for a vanilla installation of Ubuntu 22.04
Example custom.conf in Ubuntu 22.04
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